
Buy Juves Figurha Initio 1x1ml

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $49.00.

juves figurha initio 1x1ml

FigurHA is a sterile, transparent, injectable gel which contains premium quality hyaluronic acid, with homogeneous structure. Hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate)-HA is from non-animal origin, derived from bio-fermentation.


Buy Juves Figurha Initio 1x1ml

FigurHA is a sterile, transparent, injectable gel which contains premium quality hyaluronic acid, with homogeneous structure. Hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate)-HA is from non-animal origin, derived from bio-fermentation. Buy Juves Figurha Initio 1x1ml

It contains 20% cross-linked HA (20mg/ml) and BDDE<2 ppm. BDDE is the safest and less toxic cross-linking agent.
Molecular weight is ultra high (3 milion Daltons). This feature and the fact that is cross -linked HA, increase the resistance to degradation by hyaluronidases and thus maximize the maintaining duration of the filler in the tissue

The product is used to correct superficial to medium wrinkles and folds, for the periorbital area and for people with thin skin.

Treatment areas:

Molecule size is 700-900 μm. It is to be injected into the superficial or middle dermis with 27G needles / cannula.


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